
After studying art and design, I started working as a designer for various advertising agencies. During my work I started making collages. I prefer abstract collages because I can express my feelings in them. I mainly work from intuition. I often have a preference for color.

In 2022 and 2023 I had an exhibition together with MONAT Gallery in Insbruck and Madrid. In 2022 I had an exhibition together with Tryntsje Nauta and Sibe Jan Kramer. And in 2018 I worked together with the street artists Leo & Pipo.

On this site you will find my complete work per year. A number of highlights on the 'selection' page.

You can find the most recent work on my social media channels.
If you have any questions or are interested in my collages, you can do so via papersample@me.com. You can also follow me on my social media channels.



Copyright 2024 Jasper van der Loos. All copyrights remain with the artist. The purchase of an original artwork does not allow the buyer to use such piece for any commercial or promotional purposes. To acquire licensing permits, send me an email. It is not permitted to use images for AI purposes.